
Family memories

Capture those special moments between you and your family members.

Be sweet ... be bold ... even be a little bit crazy ...

This shoot can be used for a single family. Then again feel free to also include the grand-parents of the children! Or just a shoot with your parents and brothers and sisters. Even when you are not a 'kid' anymore, you should have your pictures taken and just be able to have these memories!

Feel free to request a shoot with a larger group of people if you want to include your own family, plus maybe your sibling's (and kids) and your parents ... (there will be an additional fee for larger groups, but it will be worth it!)

Leg de mooie momenten met je familieleden vast voor eeuwig ... de shoot kan bijvoorbeeld met grootouders en kleinkinderen, broers & zussen ...

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Family +

Choose this option if you'd like pictures of your own family, your brother, your sister and their families ... plus your parents!

These samples are a bit more colorful (other location) but just as sweet!

Don't forget it's important to have these memories ... time will come one day when loved ones will be gone ...  I know that's not something we'd like to think about.

But when you do have some of those 'tangible' memories to look back on, you'll be grateful for it.

We'll be taking pictures of each family, the kids, grandkids, grandparents ... brothers, sisters, be sure to think about all these combinations beforehand and let me know what you think is important!
Deze shoot is voor meerdere gezinnen samen, grootouders met eigen kinderen en kleinkinderen ...  Vergeet op voorhand niet even na te denken over wie je allemaal samen op de foto wilt ... Kijk hier onderaan even voor voorbeelden.

Fotoshoot enkel op locatie